10. Technology and Infrastructure
10.1 Tech Trends
-> Mobile device lebih powerful dan connected
-> Manusia lebih terikat dengan device
-> Impact: mobile first, cloud first
10.2 Cloud Computing?
-> sebuah konsep yang memungkinkan akses on-demand kepada kumpulan computing resources (servers, networks, apps, dll) bersama, dan disebarkan dengan management effort yang minimal.
-> Impacts: cepat, efisiensi cost, device and location independence, terukur, produktivitas lebih tinggi, aman
-> Major Provider: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform
-> Karakteristik:
1) on-demand self-service: konsumer dapat memberi ketentuan pada computing capabilities secara sepihak
2) Broad Network Access: available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms (cth: HP, tablet, laptop, dll)
3) Resource Pooling. resource terkumpul untuk digunakan oleh multiple customers dengan menggunakan model multi-tenant.
4) Rapid Elasticity: capabilities bisa ditetapkan/dibebaskan dalam skala cepat untuk beradaptasi dengan permintaan.
5) Measured Service: sistem cloud secara otomatis mengoptimalisasi penggunaan resource dengan memengaruhi kemampuan suatu level pengukuran abstrak sesuai dengan tipe servicenya (storage, processing, bandwith, dan active user accounts)
10.3 Service Model
-> Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
- virtualized computing resources seperti: hardware, software, servers, storage, dll
- highly scalable resources that can be adjusted on-demand
-> Platform as a Service (PaaS):
- mengirim aplikasi melalui internet
- umumnya digunakan untuk mengembangkan device lain
-> Software as a Service (SaaS):
- application service hosted by the provider, cth web service, API, dll
10.4 Location
-> Private/on premise: physically owned dan dikontrol pada premise/lokasi trtentu, user hanya dpt memakai service didalam private network. cth: private data center
-> Public: tersebar di internet, umumnya digunakan untuk service yang diakses secara publik (banyak traffic, user terkoneksi dengan public network)
-> Hybrid: gabungan dari keduanya, cth: reserve resource
10.5 Content Management System
-> Content Management Process:
1. Creating contents
2. Editing contents
3. Publishing contents
4. Organizing contents
5. Deleting contents
6. Analysis
-> biasa digunakan pada: blog, berita, shopping/commerce
-> Elements:
- Content Management Application: interface yg digunakan untuk add, modify atau remove content dari website (tanpa bantuan web admin)
- Content Delivery Application: mengcompile informasi dan mengubahnya ke HTML
-> CMS Open Source: joomla, drupal, wordpress
-> CMS Paid: shopify, magento, bigcommerce
10.6 Electronic Payment Gateway
-> EPG adalah entitas pihak ketiga yang fungsinya untuk memberikan proses yang aman dan otorisasi pembayaran antara merchants dan customer
+ Efficiency
+ Cost Effective
+ Secured
+ more payment channel leads to larger customer segment
11. Marketing and Distribution
-> E-Marketing/DigitalMarketing: berfokus pada cara perusahaan dan produknya menggunakan web dan digital media lainnya seperti email, website, sosmed, dan mobile device utk berinteraksi dengan penggunanya untuk mencapai marketing goals
-> Chaffey et al, 2009 = "meraih tujuan marketing dengan menerapkan teknologi digital"
-> Proses Marketing:
1) Akuisisi: menarik pengunjung kepada sebuah website / mempromosikan sebuah brand dengan menjangkau customer via search engine/ iklan pada situs lain
2) Konversi: mengikat pengunjung untuk memenuhi outcome yang diinginkan pemilik situs seperti leads, sales, atau browsing konten lain.
3) Retention and Growth: mendorong adanya penggunaan berulang dari digital channel dan untuk situs transaksional, penjualan berulang.
->Marketing Planning: SOSTAC strategy
1) Situation - where are we now
-> Internal and external Environment analysis
-> demand analysis
-> competitor analysis
-> intermediary analysis
3) Strategy - how do we get there
Ciri-ciri new media marketing communication
-> Interactivity
-> Intelligence
-> Individualization
-> Industry Restructuring
-> Independence of Location
-> Product
*) Core Product
*) Extended Product
-> Price
-> Place
-> Promotion
5) Action - what is our plan
-> planning of e-marketing strategy by identifying resources and timescales
6) Control - did we get there
-> Cr tradisional: marketing research, survey, feedback
-> Cr baru: log traces
12. Customer Relation Management
-> approach untuk membangun dan mempertahankan hubungan bisnis jangka panjang dengan customer
-> Customer Lifecycle
-> CRM Activity
1) Cust Selection: identifikasi pengelompokan customer untuk mengembangkan penawaran
2) Cust Aquisition: membangun relasi dengan customer baru dan meminimkan biaya acquisition dan menargetkan high-value customer
3) Cust Retention: identifikasi penawaran yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pribadi customer
4) Customer Extention: meningkatkan range produk yang dibeli customer aka customer development. cth: re-sell, cross-sell, up-sell, dll
-> Marketing with CRM
1. Sales Force Automation (SFA)
2. Customer Service Management
3. Managing Sales Process
4. Campaign Management
5. Analysis
-> Keuntungan ECRM
1. menargetkan customer dgn lbh efektif
2. memperoleh customization of marketing messages secara massal
3. meningkatkan relasi
4. lower cost
5. A learning relationship can be achieved using different tools throughout the customer lifecycle
-> Conversion Marketing: bgmn caranya dari customer biasa bisa jadi langganan
-> Customer Aquisition Management
Characteristics of interactive Marketing:
1. From push to pull
2. From monologue to dialogue
3. From one-to-many to one-to-some and one-to-one
4. From one-to-many to many-to-many communications
5. From‘lean-back’ to ‘lean-forward’
6. The medium changes the nature of standard marketing communications tools such as advertising.
7. Increase in communications intermediaries
8. Integration remains important
Online Marketing Communication:
- Search engine marketing (SEM)
- Keyphrase analysis
- Search-engine optimization (SEO)
- Paid search marketing
- Online PR
- Communicating with media (journalists) online
- Link building
- Blogs, podcasting and RSS
- Online communities and social networks
- Creating a buzz – online viral marketing
- Online partnerships
- Affiliate marketing (commission based)
- Online sponsorship
- Interactive advertising
- E-mail marketing
- Viral marketing
-> Customer Retention Management
- Personalization
- Extranets, cth premium member
- Opt-in-email -> newsletter, event-related, email sequence (kirim email stlh brp hari purchase)
- Online Communities
- Driver: same purpose, position, interest, profession
- Challenge: empty communities, silent communities, critical communities
-> Customer Extention Management
- Propensity Modelling: mengevaluasi karakteristik dan perilaku customer dan membuat rekomendasi untuk produk-produk dimasa depan.
- According to van Duyne et al. (2002):
- Create automatic product relationships
- Cordon off and minimize the ‘real estate’ devoted to related products
- An area of screen should be reserved for ‘next-best product prompts’ for up-selling and cross-selling
- Use familiar ‘trigger words’ ( ‘Related products’, ‘Your recommendations’, ‘Similar’, ‘Customers who bought…’, ‘Top 3 related products’ )
- Editorialize about related products
- Allow quick purchase of related products
- Sell related product during checkout
-> Tech Solution for CRM
13. Risk Management
13.1 Threat, Probability, Risk
-> Threat: kejadian buruk yang dpt menyebabkan kerugian
-> Vulnerability: probabilitas sbh aset dpt 'dicelakai' oleh threat agent
-> Risk = threat x Vulnerability
13.2 InformationSecurity
-> Change from a reactive, problem-based approach to proactive prevention of problems.
-> Consider security from multiple perspectives.
-> Establish a flexible infrastructure at all levels of the organization capable of responding rapidly to changing technology and security needs.
-> Initiate an ongoing, continual effort to maintain and improve its security posture.
-> OCTAVE : Operationally Critical Thread, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation
1) Critical Asset -> yang penting dlm organisasi tsb, punya efek langung kepada organisasi/bisnis apabila hancur, mengalami degradasi atau unavailable
2) Threat
- Aset: sesuatu yg berharga bagi perusahaan
- Actor: seseorang yg kemungkinan dpt melanggar security requirements dr aset
- Motive: actor's intentions (deliberate/ accidental)
- Access: bgmn aset diakses oleh actor
- Outcome: immediate outcome dari pelanggaran security requirements dr aset
- Actor manusia yg menggunakan network access
- Actor manusia yg menggunakan physical access
-. system problem
- other problem
3) Impact
bedanya sm outcome, kl outcome itu yg trjd pd asset, impact yg trjd pada organisasi
- Reputation/customer confidence
- Safety/health issues
- Fines/legal penalties
- Financial
- Productivity
4) Mitigation
- Accept (take no action, organisasi menerima konsekuensi)
- Mitigate ( identifikasi aksi untuk mencegah threat, mengurangi risk)
Selamat belajar ^^
yang karakteristik cloud computing ke 5 it measured service..
okeii tyy
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